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Cultivating a strong mindset in motherhood with Kristen Laffrey

Apr 16, 2024

Kristin Laffrey Mindset and Mindfulness Coach


It is extremely common for women to doubt themselves and worry they’re not doing a good job as a mother. We all struggle with the demands of motherhood at times and it can be a battle to not feel deflated, uninspired and stressed out.

My guest today is Kristin Laffrey, a Mindset and Mindfulness Coach whose mission is to support other mums in their journeys of releasing negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and past emotions to create a life they love without the guilt, anxiety and overwhelm.

In this episode, Kristin talks about the beliefs that hold women back from embodying confidence in motherhood, particularly in the early postpartum period. We dive into how a woman’s beliefs shape her expectations on the role of a mum and how these expectations can prevent mums from being able to fully experience motherhood.

This episode is a must listen for all mums and mums to be. You will be encouraged and inspired to embra

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Spilling the Milk with Danielle

Apr 16, 2024

Danielle from White & White Wedding and Events Consultancy 


It’s been a while since our last spilling the milk episode which is such a shame. I was so excited to finally sit down again with one of the lovely Fitnest Mama mama’s to have a raw and honest chat about their experiences with pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery after birth.

Today I'm joined by Danielle White, mother of two boys, and the founder of White & White wedding and events consultancy which she has now been running for over 12 year. We  chat about mum life with two young children, owning a business as a mum, juggling a young child with a newborn, and Danielle’s experience with IVF, induction, and forceps.

I loved hearing about her journey and I hope you will love listening to it and be able to take something away with you.

Sit back, relax, & enjoy!


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Where to find Danielle:

Instagram: @Whitewhiteweddings


Postnatal Return to Running p...

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Induction & childbirth: 10 top tips from Beth Ryan

Feb 10, 2022

Induction & Childbirth with Beth Ryan 


For pregnant women, the idea of induction is one that might sound a little daunting and scary.  My guest today is here to shed some light on induction and how it can still be a natural and beautiful experience, with a little extra help to get things moving along.  

My lovely guest today is Beth Ryan from Birth with Beth.  She is a registered midwife who provides a digital childbirth education service offering online classes to expectant mothers, all with the aim of helping women make informed choices regarding pregnancy, labour and the postpartum experience.

In this episode, Beth shares 5 evidence based strategies that you can try at home to help induce labour naturally, including a delicious sweet treat and some fun in the bedroom.  She also shares 5 great ways to help you set up your birth space in the hospital during medical induction so that you can maintain a positive and calm environment throughout your birth.  We ta...

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From Clinic to Online Pregnancy Program - Conversation with Emily Osmond

May 19, 2021

Emily from Modern Marketing Collective and Scalable


Today’s podcast is a bit different to normal as this is an episode that was recorded by the lovely Emily Osmond who was interviewing me all about the FitNest Mama membership. Emily is an incredible marketing coach and mentor who has been an amazing support behind the creation of FitNest Mama.

After the episode went to air, I realised that I’ve never shared the story about why and how FitNest Mama came to be. In this episode, I give an honest account of the ups and downs of starting a business, my own struggles during my second pregnancy and how these struggles ignited a passion in me to find a way to better support women during pregnancy and after birth recovery.

So if you’re interested in hearing a behind-the-scenes account of my life as a business owner and mum of three kids, this fun episode is for you.


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Where to find Emily:


Instagram: @emil...

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Unpacking Your Birth Story with Helen Nightingale

May 12, 2021

Helen from Real Life Midwife 


I had the pleasure of speaking with the lovely Helen Nightingale from Real Life Midwife today. Helen has been a midwife and nurse for over 10 years and has a wide range of experience in midwifery, research and teaching the next generation of midwives.

In this episode, we discuss Helen’s incredible ‘unpacking after baby’ service which helps new parents come to terms with emotional distress after having a baby and promote post-traumatic growth.

We discuss some of the challenges many new parents face and the importance of validating these issues to help work through the complexities of their experience. If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby, this episode is for you.


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Helen’s Instagram:

Postnatal Return to Running program:

Quick Quiz:

5 Days, 5 Ways to Prepare for Birth: www.fitnest...

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Changing the way you think about birth, with Hypnodoula Melissa

May 05, 2021

Hypnodoula Melissa from Hypno Birthing 


When you’re pregnant there are a whole lot of emotions (thanks hormones) and you have a lot of questions floating around your head. Is your baby growing at a good rate, are they in the right position, is their head the right size...the list of questions and concerns can be quite endless.

As the due date creeps up, it’s common for women to start to feel some fear around how the birth is going to happen. No one can really predict how a birth is going to play out, and the fear of the unknown can be quite hard to come to terms with for some.

But fear in childbirth is definitely not your friend, and this episode is here to explain why.

Today on the podcast I’m speaking with the amazing hypno doula Melissa Kate about why we need to ditch the fear around childbirth and more importantly some strategies for how to do this.


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Melissa’s Instagram: @melissakate_hypnodoula

Melissa’s Website: melissakate....

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8 Recovery Tips for a Caesarean Birth with Kath

Apr 28, 2021

Kath from Fitnest Mama 


I believe postnatal recovery isn’t given the time and care it needs in our society. New mothers tend to have a short period of rest and then rush to get back to being active without undertaking the proper recovery care. There’s just a lot to consider about your recovery after giving birth, and cesarean delivery can often add another level of complexity.

That’s why in today’s episode I want to dive into postnatal care after a Caesarean birth, from abdominal support, to constipation, all the way to caesarean scar massage. I’ll give you actionable tips to help your recovery and explore ways you can prepare yourself as well as where to seek help.

So, sit back, unwind, and slow down as you listen to this episode.


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Pregnancy and Postnatal Quiz:

Free Online Class:

5 Days, 5 Ways to Prepare for Birth:

Website: https://www.fitnes...

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Abdominal Muscle Separation – Can I fix it? with Kath

Apr 21, 2021

Kath from Fitnest Mama 


In today’s episode I answer a question I get asked really often. How do I fix my abdominal muscle separation? This is a common issue for new mums but with the right knowledge it’s one anyone can deal with.

I’m going to explain what exactly an abdominal muscles separation is, and the other terms frequently used. I will explain how you can help yourself recover and when you might need to seek help. I also dive into common misconceptions and the harm they can cause.

If you’re pregnant, or you’re struggling to recover physically after birth, this episode is for you!


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Free Online Class:

5 Days, 5 Ways to Prepare for Birth:


Instagram: @fitnestmama


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Hypnobirthing for a Caesarean Birth with Vanessa Bernard

Apr 14, 2021

Vanessa from Illoura Birth


We all know that sometimes childbirth doesn’t go according to birth. Whether or not you have a caesarean birth, planned or emergency, it is really empowering for all pregnant women to understand techniques to create a positive experience in any situation you might find yourself it. Today I am joined by Vanessa Bernard, mother of two, business owner, pediatric nurse, and certified hypnobirthing practitioner.

We dive into the key ways hypnobirthing techniques can be helpful if you are having a caesarean birth. She shares my belief that knowledge is power, and we discuss the different ways a pregnant mama can educate herself and the people around her about the possibility of a caesarean birth. Most of all she wants all mums to understand that if you have a change in circumstances, you can still have a really beautiful, positive caesarean birth experience. Her tips are practical, helpful, and easy to implement so make sure you have a not

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Sex for Conception for Lovers with Dr Raelia Lew

Apr 07, 2021

Dr Raelia Lew from Knocked-Up Podcast


Today’s episode is a fun one!

I have two guests with me Dr Raelia Lew and Jordi Morrison. They are the hosts of the Knocked-Up podcast. Dr Raelia Lew is a fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist. Her passion is giving women as many options as possible for having children in their life. She works at Women’s Health Melbourne and Melbourne Fertility.

Dr Raelia and Jordi have released a line of lubricants called Lovers. They offer seven unique lubricants designed for increased pleasure, dryness, breast-feeding mums, menopausal women, for use with sex toys, or for their moisturizing properties. There’s something for everyone.

We dive into their top tips on sex for conception discussing timing, common troubles, lubricants, and lots more.

These ladies are incredibly passionate and know what they’re talking about so I hope you can all take something away from this episode.


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Website: w...

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